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About Us

The Central Echo
The Central Echo is Central Philippine University’s independent student media, published every semester and available to all students, staff and friends of the University since 1910.

Being an award-winning news, features, opinion and editorial content, The Central Echo is the essential guide to what's on in CPU, a crucial reference guide to everything.

Independent, Trusted, Established
Unlike most student publications, The Central Echo is an independent student media unaffiliated to the student union — a status that, along with our quality and history, means that The Central Echo is CPU's most established and trusted news source. But despite the publication’s independence, we are privileged to hold strong ties to the University as an establishment.

Week in and week out, our team of dedicated student journalists continues to produce one of the world's most renowned and respected student publications. As The Central Echo approaches its ninety-sixth year in print and thirteenth year online, our team — and our reputation — continues to grow and grow as we look forward to an equally successful future.

Who's Who?
The Editor in Chief is the person in charge of what appears in the paper, commissioning articles, controlling the vast team of contributors and scheduling each of the 10 issues per year. Unlike many student newspapers, The Central Echo editors don’t take a year off from their studies to do the job: as well as editing the paper for a term, they’re also studying full time for a degree!

The Team is made up of 16 students, from Section Editors to Photographers to Production staff, everyone plays a vital role in putting together the publication in time for the deadline, and then doing it all again the following week!

The Managing Editor is a full-time student writer responsible for the day-to-day running of the publication, working closely with the administration in releasing needed funds by the publication.

The Central Echo welcomes feedback regarding the material printed in any of our publications or any other aspect of our campus journalism.